#16 Cowboys, Horses, and Heritage: The World of Harold T. Holden
#15 Carol Arnold on Expressing Emotions Through Pastel Landscapes
#14 C. S. (Steve) Talley on Capturing the Beauty of the Night
#13 Ron Riddick: The Enriching Influence of Western Culture
#12 Rachel Brownlee – Drawing Inspiration from Everyday Life
100 Years of Schreiner University Treasures
#11 Rick Kennington, A Journey in Western Art
#10 Mark McKenna, Paint What You Love
#9 Bill Farnsworth - Inspired Illustrator
40th Annual Roundup Exhibition and Sale
#8 Herman Walker’s Artistic Journey and Transition Across Mediums
Mystic Visions of the West
#7 Capturing God’s Glory in Cloud Paintings
#6 Billy Schenck – Painting Contemporary Western Art
#5 Vickie McMillan Hayes - Painting the Wild: An Artist's Journey
#4 Jack Sorenson on the Way of the Cowboy Artist
#3 Sarah Harless on the Importance of Art Education
#2 James Muir on the Importance of Finding Inspiration in Art
#1 inaugural episode
40 Years of Western Art